
Well hello there! I must say, I'm actually excited that you decided to stick your nose in my business. My name is Tenille and I just kicked thyroid and breast cancers a**! I'm a Jane of all trades, love creating things with my hands and enjoy spending time with close family and friends.

My health journey began back in March as I noticed I was gaining weight. I immediately made a doctor's appointment and we found a tumor in my neck. I later went for an ultrasound and biopsy where they detected a possibility of cancer. Thanks to COVID-19 my surgery to remove the tumor was delayed from April to May. Upon removal of the tumor and right thyroidectomy, my doctor confirmed cancer and I had to turn around and have a left thyroidectomy 2 weeks later. Your thyroid regulates your hormones and with mine gone, I was in for a joyous rollercoaster of emotions and body changes.

I would light candles to help my mood as I prayed, watched TV, cried or whatever emotion I was feeling that day. I noticed that some of the candles would leave black marks on the wall and I thought, "That couldn't be healthy." I began researching and looking up different ingredients so that I could make my own candles. During my series of Thyrogen injections, to cure my thyroid cancer, I had a well-woman exam and they found a lump in my breast. I had to wait until I completed radioactive iodine therapy to further investigate that. I ended up being cleared and disease-free from thyroid cancer on June 22, but that celebration was short-lived as my mammogram and ultrasound detected breast cancer. This was confirmed on August 4 and I had a total mastectomy on September 1 followed by reconstruction on October 20. During my treatment and waiting for news, those same candles that I was lighting, began to make me feel sick, so I decided to go ahead and make this hobby official. Through this process, I came up with BeYOUtifully Konstructed Essence. This branches from my brand BeYOUtifully Konstructed, which is a reminder that we were all created and constructed differently and beautifully and to love who YOU are, no matter what.

As I created my first candles to sell, I prayed over each of them and continue to do so. These candles were made during a dark time of struggle in my life so I prayed that they provided peace, happiness, strength and whatever other missing elements for the recipients that received them. Those were things that I was lacking at the time so I know how it feels. I'm hoping that my candles light up lives and futures. You may think your light is small, but it can make a huge difference in other people's lives. I'm living proof.
